Company was reported as not operating anymore on Apr 11, 2020
Wami is a tech company that has been working in the travel industry since the end of 2012. We offer a network of mobile guides that support travelers with a handy tool for smartphones and tablets to discover the best of a territory. The main focus of our guides is to enable a more genuine experience of the territory, providing travelers with everything they need to enjoy a city or a territory at its fullest - from local “pills of wisdom” about what to do and to see there to the access to services related to their staying, such as accommodation, dining, transportation, etc. Although travel is a crowded market, we feel that there is a big opportunity for us. We’ve always been keen travelers and our experience taught us that when you’re planning a journey, you usually have a hard time trying to discern the trusted sources of information among the many options you have because of fake reviews, outdated information and poor suggestions. That’s why we created Wami. Wami is like the local friend you would call for advice. Our mobile guides combine up-to-date information of general interest coming from open data and social data with unique local tips. Content is taken from selected sources, validated and optimized: it features the main points of interest in the area and all the activities you can enjoy during the day and at night. Wami apps are free for the final users and boast state-of-the-art design, offline maps, offline content and a smart geolocated system called Amerigo, that can suggest you what to do according to your position, the time of the day and the weather conditions. Also, users can count on geolocated services that are displayed in the exact moment they might need them. We take maximum care for the user experience, that we believe should be an outstanding travel experience, enabled and improved by technology. Wami is already on the market with 25 applications - native applications for iOS and Android devices and a HTML5 version that we developed as technical partners of local editors. We’re currently switching to a new business model, though, where our philosophy is further enhanced and Wami has full control of the process. We are starting to profile our users and implementing a pay-per-person marketing strategy. The company is based in Treviso, Italy. We’re 6 people and 5 of us are software engineers. The founders, Enrico and Carlo, are both developers and they’ve been working together for over ten years. Carlo is currently in London, UK to explore the international opportunities for Wami. Our goal is to entirely cover Italy and to extend our reach to Europe and eventually overseas and we are looking for a seed investment to sustain both product development and business development.
Location Based Services, Tourism, Travel